[2020 - 2023 Teaching] ELEC3100: Fundamentals of Electromagnegtic Waves and Fields
Undergraduate course, The University of Queensland, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2023
Before 2024 (2020 - 2023), I’m a teaching assistant of this course with teaching duties:
- examinig students for weekly one-to-one oral examination [4 hrs / wk],
- deliver weekly contact-hour session with 6 solved problems [1 hr / wk)],
- marking final exams,
- Help Dr. Karl Bertling to prepare weekly oral examination problems, final exam questions, and corresponding solutions.
Course Curriculum
- Transmission Line Theory
- Phasor Representations, Vector Calculus, and so on
- Wave Equations and Maxwell Equations
- Boundary Conditions
- Plane wave in lossless and lossy media
- Wave in dispersive media
- Group and Phase Velocity
- Polarisation
- Poyting Theorem and Power
- Interface
- Metallic Waveguide
- Gaussian Beam
- EM Potentials
- Radiation and Antenna
- Electromagnetics by Prof. Branislav M. Notaroš IEEE Profile